Dr. Anxhela Gramo
Email: anxhela.gramo@acpps.org
Modalities: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy/Psychodynamically/Group Analysis
Languages: Albanian/English/Italian
Dr. Anxhela Gramo
Dr. Gramo has a long academic and professional experience in mental health. She offers
individual, couple and group psychoanalytic psychotherapy, as well as supervision to mental
health professionals. In 2003, she started offering supervised psychoanalytic psychotherapy.After completing the master studies in counseling psychology in United States, she finalized the
doctoral studies at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna Austria and graduated in 2017.Dr. Gramo holds the European Certificate in Psychotherapy http://www.europsyche.org/ecp. Also,
she is a training analyst at the Albanian training program of individual psychoanalytic
psychotherapy in Tirana. Dr. Gramo is a qualified group-analytic psychotherapist by the Institute
of Group Analysis, United Kingdom. Dr. Gramo has a long academic teaching experience. She is currently teaching the Mental Health
Disorders course at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences. In the past, Dr. Gramo
has been in charge of the psychology program at the University of New York, in Tirana. Dr. Gramo has chaired Group Analysis in Albania from 2015 – 2023. Since 2014, she was actively
engaged in introducing and developing group analysis in Albania. She is also a member of the
Albanian Association for Psychotherapy, while in the past, she served as the vice-president of
AAP. Dr. Gramo is a member of GASi – Group Analytic Society International.