Group Analysis

Founded by S.H Foulkes in 1940, group analysis is a modality of group psychoanalytical psychotherapy, which is based on psychoanalysis and social sciences. According to group analysis, the deep and stable desirable changes in an individual can occur within the group, which is selected in a very careful way and where each member reflects the norms of the society.

Diploma in Group Analysis

Level One: Introductory weekend with Group Analysis

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Level Two: 1-Year Program in Group Analysis

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Level Three: The 4-year Clinical Qualification Program in Group Analysis

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Eksperiencat Grup-Analitike në Tiranë

  • “Eksperienca në analizën e grupit më ka shërbyer për të vendosur cdo njeri që has në përditshmerinë time në vendin që i takon, si edhe të menaxhoj emocionet e mia në marrëdhënie me të tjerët dhe të mos kem frikë të jem unë. Ne jemi produkt i njerëzve që janë pjesë e jetës sonë; gjithsesi e kemi në dorë të zgjedhim llojin e produktit që do jemi, e për këtë duhet të shikojmë me lente të qarta. Në fakt, unë jam akoma duke pastruar të miat…por e lumtur që e di se kane nevojë të pastrohen.”

    Arba Gramo
  • “For the past two years I had the opportunity to understand how my family, society, my past and my present and also our own sharing culture has and still continues to impact on my personality. The process of knowing oneself and the other in a group analysis setting it’s a necessary experience in order to establish a good psychological balance, to improve relationships with others and with yourself and also to be able to fully integrate in the society. I feel honored and privileged that I have been given the opportunity to increase my knowledge and clinical skills by participating at the Foundation Course on Group Analysis Learning Program under the leadership and supervision of Bob Harris and Val Parker from the Institute of Group Analysis, UK.”

    Andia Meksi
  • “My first encounter with group analysis was through an activity of the GAA (AGSH), which I joined out of curiosity. Psychoanalysis is not my background; I am trained as a linguist and philosopher. Although philosophy and linguistics can deal with how individuals think and speak together in groups, they offer remarkably little insight on what motivates groups and how they behave, what drives and inhibits them.

    A desire to understand how groups work brought me to join the Foundation Course in Group-Analytic Psychotherapy offered by the GAA under the guidance of The Institute of Group Analysis in the UK.”

    Vincent Van Gerven Oei