Group analytic training in Albania
We warmly welcome you to group analytic training in Albania.
Group analytic training is accredited by the Institute of Group Analysis in UK. The training program in group analysis is offered by the association ‘Group Analysis in Albania’ in collaboration with the Institute of Group Analysis, UK. This program is equivalent to the same training program offered in United Kingdom. 
Group analysis is a psychological treatment of the individual that, uniquely, places the group itself at the centre of the therapy.  
This process requires skilled attention from the group analytic psychotherapist.  Our training programme is detailed and intensive and will enable you to develop yourself as a qualified practitioner, able to work with most kinds of psychological distress, and also able to participate in the growing international community of group analysts.
The training is in three stages.  All stages are taught by experienced and qualified group analysts from the Institute of Group Analysis, UK.
1  ‘Introductory Level’ weekend courses that will give you an experience of the group analytic method.  These courses also include a seminar about the background history and theory of group analysis.
2  A Foundation Level course, consisting of five weekend blocks over one calendar year.  
Attendance on this course is an essential requirement for students intending to go on to the Qualifying Course, and is also a useful in-depth experience for practitioners and others interested in a deeper understanding of how groups work but who may not go on to the Qualifying Course.
3 The Qualifying Course in Group Analysis, consisting of five weekend blocks over 4 years.  This course, accredited and monitored by the Institute of Group Analysis, UK is a Masters level training that will enable you to practice as a recognised and qualified group analyst.  The course consists of extensive personal experience in a group analytic group, supervised practice, and extensive theoretical study.  Towards the end of the Course you will write a Clinical Paper and a Theory Paper, assessed by the panel of the International Courses Committee of the Institute of Group Analysis, UK. 
On completion of the Qualifying Course, you will be recognised as a Qualified Group Analyst by the IGA UK, able to conduct your own psychotherapy groups, and, with further practice experience, participate in training and supervision of group analysts and other psychotherapists locally and internationally.
You are warmly invited to contact us for any further information about our training programme. 
Robert Harris
Member of the Institute of Group Analysis, UK
Director of Training, Albanian Association for Group Analysis